Applying makeup when wearing glasses - Gemma Clark

My top 5 helpful tips for accentuating your makeup when you wear glasses

Do you get frustrated applying your makeup only to find it disappears behind your glasses? I speak to many clients during my makeup lessons who have stopped bothering to wear makeup because they wear glasses. They feel that glasses can make their eyes look smaller or mute their eye makeup. The reality is, they are probably applying their makeup in a way that doesn’t enhance their features – and can often have an adverse effect. My top 5 tips for accentuating your makeup will help to make the most of your features…

Applying makeup when wearing glasses - Gemma Clark

Define your eyes with makeup to open your eyes

Choosing the right frames that suit your face shape is the first crucial step but regardless of the size of the frames, eyes can feel lost behind the lenses. Considered careful eye makeup application will make or break your look. Opting for dark colours and harsh eyeliner will close the eyes down and make them appear smaller.

Brows are so important

Eyebrows frame the face and shouldn’t be forgotten when you wear glasses. If you struggle with drawing your eyebrows, why not consider Microblading? Click here for more information on that…

A strong lip will compliment bold frames

Dark frames can be a feature on their own but this is your time to get brave and have some fun experimenting.

Here are my top 5 tips for you to follow as a guide…


Have you stopped bothering to wear makeup because you feel your eyes get lost behind your glasses? Check out these 5 top tips πŸ‘‡ 1. Choose a light eye colour 2. Create thicker looking lashes with a smudged eyeliner 3. Add a nude eye liner in the waterline 4. Define the brows 5. Wear a bold lip πŸ‘„πŸ’„

♬ Feel Good – WYLES
  1. CHOOSE A LIGHT EYE COLOUR. A light eyeshadow will prevent the eye from looking smaller behind your lenses – a dark colour would close the eye down. Smudge the colour underneath your lash line to create a frame around the eyes.
  2. DOT A EYELINER PENCIL THROUGH THE LASH LINE. Instead of using a dark eyeliner, create a softer look by dotting a dark brown/or soft black through the lash line then blending off the edges. This will create the illusion of thicker lashes and will look less harsh than a severe dark line. You might think using a dark pencil to line the eyes will define them but unless its a soft application, you will create the opposite effect.
  3. BRIGHTEN THE EYES ON THE WATER LINE. Using a nude pencil inside the water line will brighten the eyes, creating a wider looking eye which is exactly what you need behind glasses.
  4. DEFINE THE BROW. The eyebrows are a crucial element to framing the face, overall. Define the brows with a brow gel/pencil or brow powder – especially if the frames of your glasses sit below the eyebrows.
  5. GET BRAVE WITH A BOLD LIP. A nude lip is nice but a bold lip screams confidence – so fake it even if you don’t have it. A statement lip can do wonders for giving the impression of a badass confident look so get brave. Plums, reds, hot pinks… they really compliment a dark or quirky frame.

If you would like a more tailored approach to getting the most from your makeup, you can book a personalised 1:1 makeup lesson with me at my studio in Redcar. Click here to book your appointment.

Gemma Clark – Makeup Artist and Creative Beauty Director x